Have you seen our next fundraising event planned for Sunday 6th October 2024?
You haven't? Then please read on because you are all invited.
Help us to help anyone bereaved of a baby before, during or shortly after birth by joining our Walk to Remember this autumn.
Think twinkly lights, personal lanterns, nature, calm and remembrance. Sprinkle some love and top it off with a marshmallow filled hot chocolate from the Nest Box at the amazing @themacsfarm over in #ditchling
We know that there are very sadly hundreds of families across #sussex and beyond who know someone who has been touched the loss of their precious baby or babies.
Sign up today and pledge your support to raising awareness and supporting anyone affected whether that is very sadly recently or 30 years ago.
Every baby matters. Every memory is important.
"Remembering our babies & honouring their little lives"
Love Team OWF
Sign up here-