17th July 2021
Refurbishment projects have become a huge part of our work and a huge part of our need to fundraise.
The beautiful “Precious Stars” quiet room at the University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust site the Princess Royal Hospital, Hayward’s Heath has already brought comfort to families within days of being finished.
We have had the most beautiful messages, thanks and kind feedback which has humbled us even more.
"I would like to personally thank you all for the amazing transformation of the quite room in the Antenatal Clinic at the Princess Royal Hospital. The area is calm and welcoming for parents receiving devastating news.
Thank you to everyone involved giving up their time, we really appreciate it. " Debra Stokeley Antenatal Clinic Lead
"Just a little note to say how the transformation of the quiet room with artifacts and decor really took my attention this morning. It really does give a feel of a personal caring touch and understanding of the devastation parents feel at these times.
Well done to all involved in making this happen."
"I work as an antenatal screening support midwife across both sites at BSUH.
My role involves supporting parents who are often given very difficult news re their unborn baby and use the quiet room on a regular basis to talk to them, discuss their options moving forward and refer them on to other specialist services. This is often a very emotional experience. The room as it was made me feel embarrassed to work here.
The one in Brighton known as the Daisy room was once described by a pregnant woman as “ the most depressing room to deliver the most depressing news”. I could not argue with her sentiment.
I was overwhelmed when I returned to work on Tuesday this week to find the magical transformation you have made to the quiet room at PRH.
The colours are beautiful, it smells wonderful and is now a really calm welcoming space."
From all of us in the AN screening team and those of us in the Antenatal clinic at PRH
We cannot wait to place this plaque on the door to honour every baby conceived, every life and every parent that walks through this door.
A huge thank you to the People's Postcode Lottery for part funding this project.

Such a precious project.
From our hearts,
Love OWF